Code of Conduct
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Student Grievance
Acropolis Institute of Law is a firm believer in the fact that for the round development of an individual, it is very important to realize their primary needs and secure their civil liberties. Indore institute of law has drafted its own ZERO TOLERENCE POLICY for curbing the menace of ragging, harassment, and any kind of complaints with consonance of rules and regulations provided by UGC, DAVV, and Higher Education. The Grievance Redressal Mechanism of the institute addresses any grievances related to physical or mental harassment, grievance regarding ragging, sexual harassment complaints regarding classroom teaching, classroom management, completion of syllabus, teaching methodology, infrastructure maintenance, and up-gradation, etc. if and when they arise. The institution strictly follows a “ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY” against Ragging, Sexual Harassment.
Modes of Complaints:
Offline Mode: The student can file their grievance through the helpline number, For-You Box (Gender sensitive issue), Complaint Box, or Suggestion Box or they can give an application to the Internal Complaint Committee. If the student is not satisfied then she/he can give an application to the Principal directly.

The Student & Staff Grievance Redressal Committees:
- Anti-Sexual Harassment Committee
- Anti-Ragging Committee
- Student Grievances Redressal Committee
- AIL Welfare Committee
- Disciplinary Committee
- Complaint and Suggestion Application Box
- Counseling Cell